Modern South Asia:
 History, Culture and Political Economy

New York/London: Routledge, 1998-hardback/paperback;
Delhi:Oxford University Press, 1997-9 and Lahore: Sang-e-Meel, 1998

                      The South Asian subcontinent is home to over a billion people and has been the site of
                        fierce historical contestation. It is a panoply of languages and religions with a rich and
                        complex history and culture.

                        Drawing on the newest and most sophisticated historical research and scholarship in the
                        field, Modern South Asia is written in an accessible style for all those with an intellectual
                        curiosity about the region. After sketching the pre-modern history of the subcontinent, the
                        book concentrates on the last three centuries from c.1700 to the present. Jointly authored
                        by two leading Indian and Pakistani historians - Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal - it offers
                        a rare depth of historical understanding of the politics, cultures and economies that shape
                        the lives of more thana fifth of humanity.

                        In this comprehensive study, the authors debate and challenge the striking developments
                        in contemporary South Asian history and historical writing. The book provides new
                        insights into the structure and ideology of the British raj, the meaning of subaltern resistance,
                        the refashioning of social relations along lines of caste, class, community and gender, the
                        different strands of anti-colonial nationalism and the dynamics of decolonization.

                        This is a work of synthesis and interpretation covering the entire spectrum of modern
                        South Asian history -  social, economic and political. The authors offer an understanding
                        of understanding of the sophisticated historiography of this socially and economically
                        vital part of the world.

                        '...the book is a tour de force that admirably sythesizes much of the new historical
                        research without falling into the trap of new orthodoxies. Part of its appeal lies in the
                        use of cultural and literary expressions that encapsulate the depth and diversity of
                        India's historical experience' - Lakshmi Subramanian, The Telegraph

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